Physical, emotional and mental energy rebalancing.
4 classes following the Chinese calendar, 6 meridians.
2 class options per week on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Each class is limited to 5 participants. Ask for more details and the dates of the courses by calling 077 405 9402 or
Why kinesiology?
We are constantly losing balance. We always need to adapt. This forces us to be constantly in movement. “Movement is life”.
All through our life we undergo many disturbances, small stress, big stress, stress we consider positive (e.g. falling in love) or negative (“dystress”, e.g. stress at the workplace, conflicts, grieving, etc.).
If suffered in isolation, interiorised, not expressed, these “dystress” cannot be overcome and leave a trace in our body, in our cellular memory, in our cerebral and neuronal paths/programs. These marks induce changes in the tonus of various muscles and perturbations in the energetic flows of our body. These are blockages (e.g. fear, pain, or fear of more pain) that lock us into repetitive and unproductive behaviours that impede our learning ability and evolution. “Immobility leads to death”.
Learning issues (e.g. dyslexia), affective or relational problems (professional or in the family), unwell being/unease, dissatisfaction (“My life is passing by”), as well as physical symptoms (chronic pains) are all manifestations of these blockages.
What about freeing ourselves from these blockages?
A kinesiology session aims at “waking up the body” by observing the language of the body through movement (kinetic). Thanks to the muscular test, a simple test of muscular tonus, the therapist identifies energetic variations that reveal the emotions and perceptions associated with these variations. The muscular test is a privileged way to access our unconscious, our cellular memory.
The aim of the tester is just to help the tested to inhabit/reinvest his body, to make him/herself aware of his/her physical sensations unfolding while performing exercises and receiving manipulations. There is nothing to do, nothing to want, nothing to understand, just to feel physically, to let oneself being carried by these feelings and express them with one’s own words. Expressing one’s own sensations and emotions opens up the path to understanding and making links to his/er own present and past history, while lifting up the burden, and thus the hurt, linked to the fear, pain, or the fear of more pain. It does improve the relationship to one’s body, to others, it improves one’s self-confidence, and reduce the dramatic burden of one’s history, by developing his/her ability to learn from all experiences, personal and professional failures as well as successes.
Free from our past blockages, we can differentiate ourselves form our family and generational history. We gain the ability to make simpler and more constructive real choices.
We gain in creativity and freedom.
Free from our past blockages, we can differentiate ourselves form our family and generational history. We gain the ability to make simpler and more constructive real choices.
We gain in creativity and freedom.
Anouchka Nicolet
De la géologie, la banque, le développement en Afrique, le lobbying… à la kinésiologie.
De Saxon, Berne, Barcelone, Tinos, Zuerich, Londres, Tunis, Bruxelles… à Charrat-Valais.